Here's how I can help you:
1). Use my "Friends,"--the GRIEF LINKS and WIDOWHOOD tabs--to find a widow ministry, blog, event, etc. that's a good match for you.
2). Sign up to get my blog posts in your email. I often feature retreats and helpful things you'll want to know about, plus frequent DRAWINGS! Expect about 2 posts/month from Widows Christian Path. 
3). I offer a group coaching experience using my book, Postcards from the Widows' Path. This is like a retreat for your soul, and it stretches out for 6 sessions. Check the EVENTS link to see if there's one starting this month or next, and CONTACT me for more info.
4). Discouraged? Need a handle on prayer? Encouraging magazine articles? Daily devotionals from GriefShare? Don't give up, scroll down for some free, downloadable helps. 
5). The most important starting place is to believe what God did for us when He sent Jesus to be our Savior, and to receive--accept it as a gift. Here's a good explanation  How to Know God
How in the world do you say your name?
It's easy. Ferree kind of rhymes with Marie. Try saying it like this: Fir-REE. Not "Fairy," that's way off; there's no A in it. Ferree (fir-REE) was one of my great-grandma's maiden names. 
Do you have children? Are you remarried? I have 2 daughters, a son, and a step-son, all in their 30's and 40's, mostly married. And I have one super cool grand-daughter in 2nd grade. My second husband Tom and I, both widowed in 2000, met on-line and got married in 2002. 
Do you work? I guess I'm old enough to be retired, but that happened when the world shut down during the pandemic, so I feel kind of like I missed my retirement party. Plus, we moved from South Carolina, where I'd been a librarian in a Christian school, to up here in northern New York where there are hardly any Christian schools! I feel a bit displaced. But I try to stay busy. I'm a columnist for Plain Values magazine, I also am a life coach, and do some speaking for widow groups and Christian women's events. 
Where'd you go to school? Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, where I met my first husband, Bruce Bowman. We married in 1978. Bruce started out in youth ministry, and then pastored three different churches in Ohio over the next 20+ years. When I was widowed, I started grad school at Kent State, but then Tom Hardy came along. I quit the schooling but never the learning. 
What's the mini version of your doctrinal statement? I'm so glad you asked! Bottom line, it'd be John 14:6--"Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." If you want more detail, here's a link that I agree with:
Are you a dog person or a cat person? I grew up with both, but cats seem easier to me. Although the two kittens we got in June 2023, are little monsters! Pinky & Pudens, sister and brother. They do everything together: climb curtains, chase toys, try to sneak outside, attack paper bags.... I might have to get a dog to keep them in line. 
Any hobbies? Reading, boating, hospitality, and every once in a while--a baking binge!
Didn't you have a different blog? Yes! I started it in 2010, so it's been long overdue for an update. You can still visit it though, there are a TON of helpful posts. Just use the search box to type in a keyword.  
Why have you been doing this since 2010? 
It's because I wish I'd found a site like this when I was first widowed. I'm so grateful that the Lord saw me through, but I had some close calls! Now I desire to help widows get through this too. Plus, I get the best pay in the world: I get to see women come back to life! There's eternal life for our husbands in heaven, but there's a life worth living for the widow when she's ready for it. I get to see that transformation with the widows I work with and it's amazing! ♥