Widows Path 7-week Zoom Group
3/03/2025 - The Widow Path's group sessions are personal and delightful. It's a wonderful place to share and bond with women who happen to be walking along the same journey, but each at different stages. - Tamara
2/20/2025 - Ferree immediately made you feel a part of her life/family as she invested her time, heart, resources, and friendship in each of us. As hard as this journey is, she gave us hope each time, encouraging us to think deeper and to know we have a God that sees and hears. In the darkness of grief, He is always there—God sees us! Before you know it, you are growing and smiling, looking forward to the weekly group of sisters who "get it"! Love, laughter, tears, and friendship have formed; His Light and Glory shine through it all. -Carissa
2/20/2025 - … inspiring for anyone who is traveling any journey where changes and decisions need to be made…be it widowhood, a move, a job change, retirement…the list could go on. -Linda
2/20/2025 - Before we started I thought it (the price) was fair, after we finished-- a bargain! I was encouraged and challenged in my thinking.  -Margie
Book - Postcards from the Widows Path
(5-STAR Reviews from Amazon. I no longer offer it on Amazon but you can sometimes get used copies there).
Amanda M
Such an encouragement!
I loved this book! Ferree speaks from a widow's heart to a widow's heart. Not only did "Postcards From A Widow's Path" encourage me on this horrible journey, it reminded me that I wasn't alone. The author gently leads us down the road, shows us where the bumps and holes are, and shows us the finish line is just ahead....and that we can make it with Lord's help! If you or someone you know is a widow, this is perfect for the grieving heart!!!

touched my aching heart
this book touched my heart at a time when it was hurting so much. I have read and re-read this book and still get so much insight each time I read it. it gives me hope that even in the deepest hours that not only God loves and cares for me but also other widows walk beside me in this journey. thank you Ferree for writing this book. love it. Terrie k.

Shirley L
A terrific book for widows and those who love them.
Even though I'm not a widow, this book blessed me deeply. Ferree has taken the age-old story of Ruth and Naomi and given it a fresh adaptation. This book will be one you'll want to read again, share, and recommend highly.

Dorothy parker
This book meant a lot to me at a time when I needed it most. At a time of deep loss and searching for some way to survive I read this book. I found someone who understood this journey and found her way though it. This was an invaluable resource to survive this journey.
e ann burnett
Outstanding Book on the Book of Ruth with much relevance for today.
Did you know that there are three widows mentioned in the book of Ruth?
This is a detailed study of most the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament but it is so much more than that. This book is an encouraging, insightful, personal look at the journey a widow takes following the death of her husband. The writer writes from first hand experience and truly understands the journey. This is a must read to gain a deeper understanding of the story of Ruth and also to be aware do the widows journey today.

This book was so wonderful and really helped me. It seemed like the words were actually reaching into the deep hurt that I felt after losing my husband. I wish every widow could read this.
A "MUST READ" for Widows
Whether you are a recent widow or have been a widow for several years Ferree's book is one that is a must read for you. She "gets" all the grief and emotions that a widow feels because she is/was a widow. When Ferree could not find the answers to all those questions that she was asking, she turned to widows much further down the road......Naomi and Ruth found in the Bible's book of Ruth. What she learned from them after an exhaustive study is shared in her book. If you aren't a widow, but know a widow, buy this book for her. It's one of the two best books for widows written by a widow that I have read.
I like this book and have given a good number away to new widows. It gives direction and wisdom for growth in walking the pathway a widow is forced to take after her husband passes away.

A must read for every woman....widow or not. So much to learn from the story of Ruth & Naomi and how important our choices are during EVERY phase of life. I've purchased several to give was a true blessing to read and absorb. Ferree, thank you for writing this gem !

D. Hogue
This is a great book for new widows. It takes the Book of Ruth and breaks it down to our every day living and coping with grief. Highly recommend it!!!

Bought this as a gift. The recipient has mentioned to me multiple times how much the book has helped her.

Kindle Customer
A wonderful book to help widows understand the process of grieving a lost one and knowing there is hope by studying the book of Ruth.

was good book in help with lot of the question you feel going through grief

Hope Irvin Marston
a gift of love and encouragement from one who has walked before us...
In the days after Jesus came for my husband, I read every book I could find that was written for widows, but kept looking for more. That is, until I read one that said I should stop reading those books and read the Bible. Good advice. And I followed it sort of. I read the book I had on order through InterLibraryLoan, and I purchased Feree's Postcards book on the recommendation of a trusted friend. What a comfort I found in its pages!
My precious husband of nearly 53 years has been with the Lord for over two years now. Life without him is easier, but I still have times of remembrance of joyous occasions which produce floods of tears because such times cannot never come again in this life. The author's perspective "translates" the story of Ruth into a language we who grieve can understand as she explains the nuances of life for widows during the days of Ruth, Naomi, and Orpah.
Because of the comfort I found in this book, I recommend it to every widow. Today I am giving mine to a grieving friend and will take time to cry with her.
Kelly Creason
A light in the widow-y darkness
There is not much I can say the previous reviewers have not, but I wanted to add a comment about the thought-provoking questions after each section. Ferree helps widows "peel the onion" (so to speak) of their own grief and infuse it with the lessons from Ruth. The book is encouraging, and since Ferree herself is a widow (albeit a remarried one), she has traveled the whole widow path, and she GETS IT. If you only buy one, then don't let it sit on your shelf after you've read it - keep it handy to share with another widow in your life. Better yet, get two, so you can write your own thoughts in one and give one away.